(p. 321) | Twelve justices being present -
Ordered by the court that Chiles Magee, Saml Griffith, Esquire M. Davis, Esquire Willis Ridley, William Rodgers, Grair, Sharp, Tate Hawkins, Joaish Harrell, Laxarus Andrews, Brice Hadnot and Alexander McMillon be appointed a jury of view to view mark and lay out a road leading from where the William Ferry road intersects the Hunter road of Giles County road at the head of the east fork of Big Bigby and make return of such our proceeding tomour ensuing county court. |
(p.325) | Major Davis, WIlliam Rogers, Josiah Harwell, Alexander McMillon, Lott
Hackney, Lazarus Andrews, Wilkes Ridley, Saml Griffeth, Chiles Magee, who
were heretofore appointed a jury of view to view mark && and make
return of such thier proceedings made the following return (to wit).
We the under sighned assignees agreeable to an order of the county Court of pleas and quarter session of the county court offoresaid have out the ground for a road leaving the Williams Ferry road to intersect the Giles County road at the head of east for of Bigby (to wit) beginning where the Williams Ferry road intersects (P 326) Hunters road thence to Moses Spinners Spring thence on the direction marked to the west corner of Thomas Williams Field thence as marked as to intersect the military road near Mackey's field then with the Military road to Col. Johnstons South boundary line then up the main fork of the sugar fork of Bigby to the Giles County line at the head of the east fork of Bigby through Capin Hill Gap this 16th of October 1818. <signatures>
(p.330) | Major Davis, William Rogers, Josiah Harvell, Alexander McMillin, Lott Hackney, Lazerus Andrews, Willis Ridley, Samuel Griffith & Chiles Mager heretofore appointed to view & lay out a road made return as follows, the undersighned agreeable to an order of the county court of pleas and quarter session of the county aforesaid have viewed out the groud for a road leaving the Williams Ferry road to intersect the Giles County road at the head of the east fork of Big Bigby to wit, beginning where the Williams Ferry road intersects Junters road thence to Moses Spencer Spring on the direction marked to the west corner of Thomas Williams field thence as marked to intersect the military road near Machy field thence with the military road to Col. Johnson's South boundary line thence up Sugar fork to Giles County line at east fork Bigby. |
(p.331) | Ordered that Josiah Harrell oversee the clearing the publick road as laid out from Williams Ferry road towards Giles County line at the head of east fork of Big Bigby from McKey's to the county line and that all the hands living within one mile of said road opposite that part of said road work thereon under his direction. |
(p.347) | Ordered that Josiah Harrell be appointed overseer of the road from the fork by Josiah Binghams to the county line at head of the east fork with the following hands, the hands on Houstin's tract of land, Wm.Holt, Wm.Kindrick, Jacob Williams, Peter Harvell & Graves Harvell to work under his direction. (Josiah Harvell issd to H.B.P.) |
(p.413) | Ordered that Isaac B. Mosely be appointed overseer of the road leading from Williams Ferry to Huntsville in place of Josiah Harrell and that all the hands in the bounds that formerly worked on said work thereon under his direction. July 1822. |