This is a transcript of the land deed. There were no punctuation marks in the entire deed. I have tried to keep the spelling the same. Notice that Harrell is spelled both Herrald and Herald in the same document. Also Seth is spelled both Seth and Set.
Peter Herrald & Seth G Herald deed 203 acres conveyed by Josiah Herald
registered the 27th of July 1825
This ? Nineteenth ? One thousand And twenty five between Josiah Herald of the state of ? of Maury of the one part and Peter Herald and Set Graves ? Other part witnesseth that I the said Josiah Herald for ? of the sum of three hundred dollars to me in hand pa? same have given granted aluned(?) bargained sold conveyed unto the said Peter & Set Graves Herald their heirs and ? Asigns[sic] for ever to a certain tract or parcel of land situated being in the county of Maury and State of Tennessee bound Beginning the south west of lot No 2 on the east boundary Thence South passing the South east corner of lot No 1 [or 12] White oak chesnut oak and hickory pointers thence east ? dogwood spanish oak & hickory pointers thence north 240 ? oak in the south boundary line of lot No 2 thence west ? the beginning containing 203 acres & 195 poles it bi? of five thousand acre tract granted to James Houston did ? Lives to have and hold this bargained and sold land With all and singular the priveledge and appurtenances Belonging unto the said Peter Herald & Set Graves Heirs executes and assigns for use and I the said ? Doth for myself my heirs executes and assign acres named To and With the said Peter Herald and Set[sic] Graves Herald I will forever warrant and defend the said sold land ? unto the said Peter Herald and Set Graves Herald Heirs executes & assigns for ever against the claims Whatever in witnesseth whereof I have here unto ? And seal the day of February 19(?) 1825 Signed ? Delivered in the presence of us
Joseph Hackney
Will D Cross
act Josiah H?
On the back of the above deed was State of Tennessee Maury county court April term ? The within deed of ? was produced ? And the execution thereof duly acknowledged by Josiah And ordered to be certified for registration
Joseph B?
Ref: Maury Co., Tenn. Deed Book L, Vol. 1, p. 309
Office of Register of Deeds
Maury Co. Courthouse Annex
Columbia, Tenn.